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Require a Transcript?

  • The team at FSTL will travel to your event and record the proceedings whether it’s a one-to-one interview or a roundtable discussion.

  • Our equipment is fully portable and records digital sound files which we then use to produce an accurate transcript.

  • To discuss your event and transcription requirements please email us at or call us on 01737 852 225.

  • With many more meetings, presentations and events being held through the web we can record your on-line meeting for a faster turnaround of your transcription.

  • We can record webinars, podcasts, presentations, video clips and conference calls.

  • Our team of vastly experienced transcribers are able to cover a number of specialist sectors providing you with an accurate transcript.

  • To discuss your webinar transcription requirements please email us at or call us on 01737 852 225.

Step 1 Go to client login in

(register at to obtain your secure login)

Step 2 Upload your sound/video file

(MP3, WMV, MP4, WAV)

Step 3 Transcription Process

(FSTL will transcribe & then proof-read your document)

Step 4 Transcript returned to you

(Your transcript will be e-mailed back to you within an agreed time-frame)